To change your degree program, please submit the application for change of degree program to the student admission and registration for international students. We will then review this application and reenroll you.
Please remember that we cannot reenroll you until you have paid the term fee.

If you have a residence permit according to §16b and you would like to change your course of study and if your first course of study began more than 18 months ago, we recommend that you contact the responsible Foreigners' Registration Office before submitting your application for a change of degree program, as they will check whether your change of degree program can be approved.

The application for de-registration is generally processed via the "StudiLöwe" portal. Log in with your registration number and your personal password.

Under the menu item "My studies" "Student services" or under "Service""Applications" click on the button "Exmatriculation" and then on the button "Enter new application".

There, select the reason for your de-registration and indicate the date on which you would like to be de-registered. Then submit the application to the Student Admission and Registration for International Students by clicking on the "Submit application" button.

We will automatically send you a certificate of de-registration after we have processed your application.


You can find more information on online de-registration here.


Information on the reasons for and process of a leave of absence can be found here.

To apply for a leave of absence, please submit the application for a leave of absence to the student admission and registration for international students.

Please pay the term fee in the appropriate amount (varies from semester to semester!) and only by indicating your matriculation number (no name) to the following account:

recipient:                     Bergische Universität Wuppertal
amount:                       325,27 €
(amount for summer semester 2023)
financial institution:   Helaba (Landesbank Hessen - Thüringen)
IBAN:                           DE11 3005 0000 0004 4607 13
(enter without blanks)
BIC:                              WELADEDDXXX

For more information, click here.

In this case, please contact the student admission and registration for international students via the contact form to get refunded.

If the university becomes aware that you do not have sufficient health insurance, we will inform you and demand a corresponding proof of this.
If you do not submit this within the set deadline, you will be compulsorily de-registered.

You can find more information on health insurance here.

Address & Contact

Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Abt. 3.3 - Internationales Studierendensekretariat (student admission and registration)
Gaußstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal

Personal consultation hours in the Student Service Center (SSC) right at the main entrance (building G, room G.08.16):
Tuesday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 

For organisational reasons, office hours may change sometimes. You can always find the latest information about office hours on the Student Service Center page under "News".

Telephone consultation and advice:
Wednesday 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. 

Contact persons & responsibilities