Transcript of Records

List all the courses you have taken during your time in Wuppertal in the ToR application.

In addition, fill out a certificate of achievement for each course, which you hand in to the examiner.

The certificate of achievement must be filled out on the computer with the following information:

  •     Name,
  •     matriculation number,
  •     name of the course,
  •     course number,
  •     name of the subject,
  •     Name of the module,
  •     Type of examination (homework, written examination, oral etc.),
  •     name of the examiner.

After completion of the examination, the examiner completes the certificate of achievement by noting the grade, the LPs achieved, the date of the examination as well as the date and signature (+stamp) and then returns it to you.

You submit the complete certificates of achievement (in the original) and the application for Transcript of Records filled out at the beginning of the semester to the International Student Secretariat before your departure, at the latest for exmatriculation. You are welcome to make copies for your records.

If you have not yet received a completed transcript of records from the examiner, please inform the examiner to send the original transcript of records directly to the International Student Secretariat. You can mark on your application for Transcript of Records which certificates of achievement are still missing.


Address & Contact

Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Abt. 3.3 - Internationales Studierendensekretariat (student admission and registration)
Gaußstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal

Personal consultation hours in the Student Service Center (SSC) right at the main entrance (building G, room G.08.16):
Tuesday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 

For organisational reasons, office hours may change sometimes. You can always find the latest information about office hours on the Student Service Center page under "News".

Telephone consultation and advice:
Wednesday 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. 

Contact persons & responsibilities