Listing of selected courses available in English

For further information on courses, times and other events see StudiLöwe

If you have not yet enrolled at the university, you can view the course program without user name and password and select courses that interest you. To select only courses in english language go to "advanced search" ("erweiterte Suche") and select language ("Lehrsprache") "englisch".

Once you have enrolled at the university, you can access the following functions with your own user name and password:

  • StudiLöwe online course program, providing full information on courses and events each semester for your specific program of study.
  • Create your own study program online.
  • In various departments and/or subjects you can enter your name on course lists
  • register for exams, and
  • view your examination results (grades) directly via the Internet.

StudiLöwe is currently available only in German.

A selection of courses taught in English can be found in the Download Center.