Access to studying at the University of Wuppertal via the scholastic aptitude test TestAS ("Zugangsprüfung")

Foreign educational certificates that entitle students to study in their country of origin are not all recognised for access to study at a German higher education institution. The Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Hochschulgesetz NRW) offers international students without a direct higher education entrance qualification the possibility to access undergraduate degree programmes by taking an entrance examination (Zugangsprüfung). The Bergische Universität Wuppertal has implemented this possibility in § 9 of its regulations for the admission and enrolment of international applicants (Ordnung für Zulassung und Einschreibung internationaler Bewerber*innen).

Those who must first attend a Studienkollege and pass the Feststellungsprüfung in order to be allowed to study in Germany, according to the assessment guidelines of the German Kultusministerkonferenz – Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen, which are published in the anabin database, alternatively have the possibility to acquire a subject-related entrance qualification via the TestAS for studying at the University of Wuppertal.

TestAS is a central standardised scholastic aptitude test, intended for international study applicants planning to do undergraduate studies at German universities. TestAS can only be taken in German or English at licensed test centres. You can find all test centres at Test Centres Worldwide and Test Centres in Germany.

Those who can prove a standard score of at least 95 (paper-based TestAS) or 75 (digital TestAS) in the TestAS Core Test and a score of at least 100 (paper-based or digital TestAS) in the Subject-specific test to which the desired degree programme is related, thus acquire a (foreign) subject-specific university entrance qualification for admission to studies in the corresponding subject area at the University of Wuppertal together with their home certificates. You will find an overview of the assignment to the TestAS subject modules of the Wuppertal degree programmes here.

If the right to study has been acquired via the TestAS, it is only possible to transfer to another higher education institution in NRW in the same degree programme if all study and examination requirements provided for in the respective study or examination regulations have been fulfilled by the end of the fourth semester.

If the right to study has been acquired via the TestAS, it is only possible to transfer to another higher education institution in NRW in the same degree programme if all study and examination requirements provided for in the respective study or examination regulations have been fulfilled by the end of the fourth semester.

Address & Contact

Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Abt. 3.3 - Internationales Studierendensekretariat (student admission and registration)
Gaußstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal

Personal consultation hours in the Student Service Center (SSC) right at the main entrance (building G, room G.08.16):
Tuesday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 

For organisational reasons, office hours may change sometimes. You can always find the latest information about office hours on the Student Service Center page under "News".

Telephone consultation and advice:
Wednesday 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. 

Contact persons & responsibilities