FAQ for prospective students

Applicants with foreign educational certificates must apply through uni-assist. This applies in the following cases:

  • Bachelor's application: secondary school certificate acquired outside of Germany
  • Application Master: Bachelor's degree acquired outside of Germany

You can apply online. You do not have to send your documents additionally by mail to uni-assist.


Exceptions to the uni-assist application procedure

  • Applications for the bachelor's degree program in Industrial Design as well as for the master's degree programs in Architecture, Strategic Product and Innovation Development and Public Interest Design
  • Application as a university transfer student in the same Bachelor's program
  • Application as a scholarship recipient of a German organization for a maximum of two semesters without a degree

Yes, you can find the summarized application information here.


Yes, we have made video tutorials for the application via the portal uni-assist, these are in German, English and Arabic.


There are two steps to the applyication process:

Application at the international student admission and registration office with the application exception uni-assist.
Deadline winter term 15.07., deadline summer term 15.01.

Direct application to the responsible Master's Examination Board to determine professional suitability. Please submit the original decision of the examination board to us by mail (this is also possible after the application deadline).

This does not apply to the master's degree programs in Architecture, Strategic Product and Innovation Development, Public Interest Design and Psychology.


No, you only have to attend a Studienkolleg if you have to prove periods of study in your home country according to "anabin" or if you have to attend a Studienkolleg or take the assessment test. You can find more information about the Studienkolleg here.


Yes, you can also take the TestAS instead of attending a Studienkolleg. If you achieve the appropriate score there (at least 95 points in the core test, at least 100 points in the subject module), then you do not need to attend a Studienkolleg.


No, you must present a valid university entrance qualification in order to apply.


The staff at uni-assist will first formally check your documents. After a successful review, your application will be forwarded to the University of Wuppertal. The university decides on admission or rejection and the corresponding notification is sent (if you live abroad also by e-mail).


We only issue conditional admissions if you apply for a Bachelor's program with open admission and can still attend the German language course beforehand. We do not issue conditional admissions for applications to other programs (Bachelor's programs with restricted admissions and Master's programs).


Yes, we offer such a course for those who want to study with us. The preparatory German language course is a full-time course and covers the levels A2-C1, it ends with the DSH exam. If you pass it, you can transfer to a specialized study program. The preparatory German language course can be joined for maximum 3 semesters. It costs 500,00 Euro participation fee per semester + about 300,00 Euro semester fee. Please note that we always have more applicants than places and therefore cannot guarantee you a place. You can find more information about the language course here.


The final language certificate must be received at the latest at the time of enrollment. If you have not yet received the certificate at the time of your application, please submit a certificate of registration or attendance for an appropriate exam.

Attention! If you are applying for a restricted-admission program, the final proof of language proficiency must already be available by the application deadline (winter term 15 July, summer term 15 January).

We recognize the following language exams:

  • DSH-2 or DSH-3
  • deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz (DSD) Stufe II
  • die Goethe Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung (ZOP)
  • das Große oder Kleine Sprachdiplom der Goethe-Institute
  • Goethe C2: Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom
  • den TestDaF with at least level 4 in all parts of the exam
  • telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule
  • German as an examination subject in the assessment test

Yes, you can apply again via uni-assist in the next semester.


If you would like to have your admission transferred to the next semester, you can do this once. To do so, please send us an e-mail via the contact form. If this is a Master's admission, the Master's Examination Board must first give its renewed approval. A transfer is only possible until the end of the enrollment period (winter term 31.10., summer term 30.04.).


The prerequisite for enrolment in a degree programme or the preparatory German course at Bergische Universität Wuppertal is proof of eligibility to study in the desired degree programme in the Federal Republic of Germany.

You can check for yourself whether your foreign school-leaving certificate, possibly in conjunction with periods of study in your home country, is equivalent to the German higher education entrance qualification in the "anabin" database of the German Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs - Central Office for Foreign Education.

Applicants who, due to their flight, are unable to provide proof of their higher education entrance qualification either in the original or as a certified copy, can obtain proof of their higher education entrance qualification from Bergische Universität Wuppertal via a three-stage procedure:

  • Determination of the personal prerequisite for participation in this procedure by the International Student Office of the university
  • Plausibility check of the educational biography in relation to the acquisition of a higher education entrance qualification in the home country. For this, please submit an application via uni-assist within the application deadlines (summer semester: 15.11.-15.01. and winter semester 15.05.-15.07.). If you are missing educational certificates, you will receive a self-disclosure form from uni-assist. You will then be informed about all further steps by uni-assist. 

    Application portal uni-assist: www.uni-assist.de/bewerben/online-bewerben/

  • Proof of the claimed higher education entrance qualification by taking the TestAS with a standard score of at least 95 in the core test and 100 in the subject module relevant to the intended degree programme.

This, together with the available foreign educational certificates, proves a foreign subject-specific higher education entrance qualification which entitles the applicant to take up studies in degree programmes in the relevant subject fields at Bergische Universität Wuppertal.

Address & Contact

Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Abt. 3.3 - Internationales Studierendensekretariat (student admission and registration)
Gaußstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal

Personal consultation hours in the Student Service Center (SSC) right at the main entrance (building G, room G.08.16):
Tuesday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 

For organisational reasons, office hours may change sometimes. You can always find the latest information about office hours on the Student Service Center page under "News".

Telephone consultation and advice:
Wednesday 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. 

Contact persons & responsibilities