Guest doctoral student

As a visiting scholar, you have the opportunity to enrol as a student for a period of up to four semesters. Please note that enrolment is only possible within the general semester deadlines:

  •     1 October - 31 March for each winter semester.
  •     1 April - 30 September for each summer semester

The following documents must be submitted by post to the International Student Office by 15 October (winter semester) or 15 April (summer semester):

  •     Completed application form
  •     Curriculum vitae
  •     Letter of invitation from the host professor (with exact details of the period of stay)
  •     University certificates including transcripts (in the original language and as a German or English translation) as certified copies
  •     Certificate of enrolment from the home institution


Address & Contact

Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Abt. 3.3 - Internationales Studierendensekretariat (student admission and registration)
Gaußstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal

Inga Schubert
Gebäude H.11.10
Tel. +49 (0)202 439 3264
E-Mail: promotion[at]

Personal consultation hours in the SSC right at the main entrance (building G):
Tuesday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 

Telephone enquiries and advice:
Monday 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. - Consulting on the topics exchange students, doctoral studies and sponsorship/scholarships (Tel.: 0202 - 439 3264)

Wednesday  2 -  4 p.m. (Tel.: please see contact persons & responsibilities)

Contact persons & responsibilities