Information for researchers at risk

Erasmus+ for university staff from Ukraine

The International Center, Dept. International Office awards two Erasmus+ mobility grants  for university staff from Ukraine for the summer semester 2022.

Visits for teaching purposes and/or for further education and training activities are eligible.

The call for proposals is aimed at university staff whose home university has already maintained close relations with the University of Wuppertal in the past. In the case of a visit for teaching purposes, integration into teaching activities to the extent of 8 hours per week is required, and in the case of a visit for further education and training purposes, a meaningful training program in consultation with the host faculty is required.

Funding can be granted for a period of up to 30 days, which corresponds to a maximum funding amount of EUR 4.032,00. Erasmus+ funding should primarily be used to bridge waiting periods at other funding institutions or similar.

Contact person for questions about the Erasmus+ program or regarding the application:

Judith Schmitz, email: jschmitz[at]


IZWT at the University of Wuppertal awards scholarships for refugees and persecuted scientists

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Science and Technology Studies (IZWT) awards scholarships to refugee or persecuted scientists from Ukraine and is now accepting proposals. Scientists concerned who are researching or working in the fields of history of science, philosophy of science or sociology of science are also welcome to apply themselves. Proposals and applications are welcome.

Further information on the scholarship can be found on the IZWT homepage.

Contact person for questions about the scholarship or regarding the application or nomination:

Nina Lorbach (lorbach[at]
Prof. Dr. Volker Remmert (remmert[at]


General job offers

Refugees from Ukraine also have, in principle, the opportunity to apply for general job offers at the university.

Ukrainians who have fled since February 24, 2022 as a result of the Russian attack, as well as people from third countries or stateless persons who lived legally in Ukraine and for whom a return to their home countries is not possible, will be granted a residence permit pursuant to § 24 of the Residence Act (AufenthG - Aufenthaltsgewährung zum vorübergehenden Schutz) upon corresponding application. Ukrainian refugees are therefore entitled to benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act. The Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act does not preclude them from studying.

People who have fled Ukraine and are seeking protection in Wuppertal should contact the Immigration and Integration Department of the City of Wuppertal for registration.

Please bring your identification papers with you.

The address is:
Haus der Integration (House of Integration)
Department of Immigration and Integration
Friedrich Engels-Allee 28
42103 Wuppertal

The reception of refugees takes place:
Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

After admission, you must register at the Residents' Registration Office. For this you need an appointment booking at the Einwohnermeldeamt. You can find step-by-step instructions for booking an appointment online here.

The address is:
Einwohnermeldeamt Wuppertal (Residents' Registration Office Wuppertal)
Steinweg 20
42275 Wuppertal

Questions about your stay in Wuppertal will be answered by the social workers of the team "Arrival and Participation", who will also provide you with information about support services and other contact points in the city of Wuppertal. Click here for a list of contact persons.

Further information from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) on entry and residence in Germany for people from Ukraine.

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation offers an overview of various sponsorship opportunities for researchers at risk.

You can find all the information here.

DFG Walter Benjamin Programme

  • Duration: up to 2 years
  • Application: The restriction of the target group to the early postdoc phase that otherwise exists under this programme does not apply to refugees.There are no deadlines for submission.

=> Further information

=> Detailed information on the Walter Benjamin Programme, application deadlines and contacts.

DFG supplemental proposals

  • Integration in currently funded programmes
  • esp. staff positions for prospective or doctoral researchers
  • Proposals may be submitted informally by the university at any time (max. 5 pages)

=> Further information