Support & events for all international students
Step by step through your studies, here you will find all the important information about studying at the University of Wuppertal. We support you at every stage of your studies - from application to graduation and beyond.
Anabin-Check für Schulabschlüsse Check your university entrance qualification (HZB) in advance
Anabin-Check für akademische Abschlüsse Check the recognition of your university and the assessment of your degree
Wie bewerbe ich mich über uni assist? Applying via uni-assist - step by step video
Erste Schritte vor dem Studium: Digitale Orientierung Key information for newly admitted students
Welcome Day für neue internationale Studierende All information about the welcome event
Orientierungstipps zum Studienstart Guideline for orientation and organisation
In Touch Veranstaltungen Mentoring, info events & workshops