The International Center

Internationality and internationalisation are among the important strategic fields of action and central management tasks of the university. In recent years, new trends and challenges have emerged or intensified that have a significant impact on international cooperation in education, science and research. For a research-strong university, international networking and reputation are of crucial importance in a globalised and highly competitive science system. In order to be able to successfully meet global developments as a regionally anchored university and to remain internationally visible, it requires comprehensive and strategically guided internationalisation that encompasses research, teaching and transfer.

In order to meet this requirement even better, the International Center (IC) was established as a new central operating unit of the university. In this way, the University is pursuing the goals of making internationalisation and international cooperation more visible internally and externally, orienting it efficiently and with a focus on achieving strategic goals, bundling expertise and services and bringing together those involved in internationalisation in a coordinating manner.

As a result of the new organisational structure, Department 3.3 - International Office was dissolved.

Structure and tasks of the IC

In organisational terms, the IC is designed as a central operating unit according to § 29 para. 2 HG with its own structuring regulations under the umbrella of an Academic Board, which is headed by the Rectorate member responsible for international affairs - currently the Prorector for Third Mission and International Affairs, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter GUST. The leadership by a member of the Rectorate ensures the strategic integration of the IC into university policy.

The IC is advised by an Academic Board, which includes one professor from each faculty and from the Institute for Educational Research, as well as student representatives and representatives of relevant university institutions.

The two departments International Office and UniService Internationales form the executive area of the IC. The International Office is responsible for the operational design and implementation of the IC's work tasks, activities and measures. The main tasks of UniService Internationales are the development and implementation of strategic goals and the establishment, coordination and support of the new International Quality Network (I-Circle). In addition, UniService Internationales assumes the function of the business office for the Academic Board.

New Department in Department 3: Internationales Studierenensekretariat / Student Admission and Registration for International Students - Department 3.3

Department 3.3 has been newly established in Department 3 under the new name Internationales Studierendensekretariat / Student Admission and Registration for International Students. This department will continue to be responsible for the "sovereign" tasks of counselling and admission of Bildungsausländer (students with foreign diplomas) as well as student administration for foreign Bildungsausländer . The close cooperation between the IC and the International Student Secretariat is ensured by interlocking personnel.