International Profile

International Profile

Internationalisation has been firmly rooted in the philosophy of the University of Wuppertal and is a central element of the University's development plan since 2009. Based on the firm belief that a future-oriented university must take on its role of helping to shape our globalised society and the global university community in all possible areas of activity and act accordingly, a dynamic development in recent years has dominated the internationalisation of the research, study and teaching responsibilities of the University of Wuppertal.

Since it was founded in 1972, the University of Wuppertal has developed a tight network of international scientific contacts and works continuously to expand this. Currently, there are partnership agreements in place with around 150 universities. In 2012, the Vice Chancellor's office launched a policy of appointing officers for various focus countries and regions, in order to bring together the enormous range of international scientific partnerships with other universities and similar institutions and to support this cooperation.

The University of Wuppertal sets itself apart by pursuing a policy of close regional connections and coupling activities with various players in the region (science transfer). This has resulted in a strong foundation for internationalisation – a network of regional and also some international companies and associations, as well as excellent cooperation with the municipal authorities and central regional institutions. By establishing networks, the "Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Change" Profile line supports the triangle of university research, regional and international development.