University partnerships outside Europe

We also have numerous partner universities outside Europe that you can visit as a guest student as part of an exchange program.


  • You have completed your first year of study
  • You are studying at the partner university for at least three and a maximum of twelve months
  • you have the approval of the relevant contact person (see list of BUW international university partnerships) in the faculty or the country representative
  • there are still places available at the partner university

Application documents are usually


Just like at Erasmus+ partner universities, there are no tuition fees for a semester abroad at a partner university worldwide. The number of available exchange places per academic year is fixed by contract.

The non-European partner universities, which are declared as university-wide, are generally open to students of all subjects.

For further information, please contact the International Office, Mrs Leclaire (teamoutgoing[at] An overview of our partner universities can be found at the top right.

Unlike the Erasmus+ program, receiving a place at a partner university worldwide does not automatically entail a monthly mobility grant. However, you can apply separately for corresponding scholarships or apply to the International Office for funding via the PROMOS program.


Contact us

University of Wuppertal

Dept. International Office
Gaußstr. 20
D-42119 Wuppertal

For general enquiries:







Iris Leclaire
Mon - Thu: 3-5 pm
Tel +49 (0)202 439 5308