Study in Switzerland with the Swiss-European Mobility Programme

The Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP) offers attractive funding opportunities for a study visit to Switzerland. The scholarships for BUW students and doctoral candidates are provided by the participating Swiss universities.

Are you interested in a semester abroad in Switzerland? Take advantage of the Swiss-European Mobility Program! The program offers financial support for studying at renowned Swiss partner universities and gain valuable experience abroad. The monthly grant is currently up to CHF 420 (approx. € 395).

What is the Swiss-European Mobility Program?

Due to the result of the vote on the mass immigration initiative on 9 February 2014, the European Commission has suspended negotiations with Switzerland for participation in Erasmus+. Funding for stays in Switzerland will continue as part of the Swiss-European Mobility Program.

General information on SEMP can also be found on the movetia website. The Swiss agency has been responsible for managing the programme since 2017.

Application procedure

Please contact your responsible faculty (Overview of International University Cooperations) and submit the required application documents via Mobility Online (as for Erasmus+).

Further information (Erasmus)


The selection for a place and the nomination at the partner university is made by your faculty on the basis of your application.


Once you have been accepted and nominated by your faculty, we will register you at the partner university. You must then apply to the host university. You will also clarify with the partner university the modalities of the scholarship procedure there: which documents must be submitted when and how. The monthly funding amount from the Swiss government is approximately CHF 420 (approx. € 395).

Contact us

University of Wuppertal

Dept. International Office
Gaußstr. 20
D-42119 Wuppertal

For general enquiries:







Iris Leclaire
Mon - Thu: 3-5 pm, Tel +49 (0)202 439 5308

Marcela Oelsner
(by appointment only), Tel +49 (0)202 439 5140

Dr Katharina Vantomme
(by appointment only), Tel +49 (0)202 439 5221

Katinka Brückner
(by appointment only), Tel +49 (0)202 439 5221