Frequently asked questions
- At the time of your application and throughout your stay abroad, you are regularly enrolled as a student or PhD student at BUW.
- At the start of your stay abroad, you must have completed at least the first year of study (only applies to Bachelor's students). Master's students can go abroad from the 1st semester onwards.
- Your nationality does not matter.
- The stay lasts a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months
- You have sufficient language skills in the language of instruction (please refer to the Erasmus+ subject coordinators' websites)
In order to study abroad successfully, you should at least have a good command of the language of instruction at the partner university. Some partner universities also require proof of language proficiency in order to apply for an Erasmus place. We therefore recommend that you acquire or improve your language skills as early as possible. You can also find further information here.
- Find out which Erasmus subject-specific partnerships exist in your department.
- Take a look at the study programs offered by the partner universities on their websites.
- Seek advice from your Erasmus departmental coordinator or contact the International Office
- Attend our regular information events or take a look at the presentations on Moodle
- Please note the standard application deadline: 15 January for the following academic year
- Apply via the Mobility Online portal (your subject may require an additional application)
- Wait for selection by the faculty: The selected Erasmus+ applicants will be named to the IO by the faculty. Once you have been accepted, you should definitely take part in the "Erasmus and Me" event for selected Erasmus+ students. You will receive a separate personal invitation.
Once you have registered, you must upload the following documents to the "Mobility Online" portal:
- Curriculum vitae
- Current transcript of records: if applicable, for all sub-subjects. If you do not yet have any grades, please upload your most recent university certificate (e.g. BA / MA)
- current certificate of study
- Language certificate, if applicable: Please clarify in advance with your subject coordinator whether a language certificate is required.
- Letter of motivation: Important tips
Please address the letter to your subject coordinator and clarify in advance in which language the letter of motivation is to be submitted. - Application form: Once you have uploaded all the documents listed above, you will be able to generate an application form. You must sign this and upload it to the portal.
Your department may also request further documents or invite you to a selection interview! Therefore, please also check the pages of the respective faculty or contact the responsible subject coordinator. You can find an overview of responsibilities here.
- You will be informed via the Mobility Online portal whether you have been selected for an Erasmus+ study place.
- Once you have been selected, the International Office will nominate you at the partner university.
- You will be invited by the International Office to an exclusive information event "Erasmus & me" to prepare you optimally for your stay abroad.
How do I receive Erasmus+ funding?
- From 2021/22, the Learning Agreement will usually be filled out completely digitally - via the OLA portal
- Erasmus Student Charter
- Grant Agreement (download in Mobility-Online from the beginning/mid-August for departure for the winter semester, from mid-December for departure for the summer semester)
The Learning Agreement is the central Erasmus document that you must complete together with the person responsible for your subject/the relevant examination board at BUW and at the partner university before the start of your studies abroad. Here you enter both the courses you would like to take at the partner university and the modules in Wuppertal that are to be replaced by the courses at the partner university.
From the academic year 2022/23, the document will be created completely digitally via a database as an Online Learning Agreement (OLA). Instructions for creating the OLA can be found here. If the host institution is not yet connected to EWP, the paper-based Learning Agreement may still be used.
The "Sending Responsible Person" is the person at your home university with whom you agree the Learning Agreement and who is authorised to sign the document (subject examination board or authorised person), i.e. who can also confirm the recognition of credits.
Please only enter the data after consultation with your Erasmus departmental coordinator, as the person entered here will also receive notification from the OLA system that a Learning Agreement is available for signature after you have completed and signed it.
Overview of the ISCED codes at BUW for completing the Learning Agreement
Please ensure that you have an appropriate workload for the agreement in your Learning Agreement. Erasmus+ students should complete approx. 30 ECTS credits per semester, as this corresponds to the usual workload per semester.
If you have fewer than 15 ECTS credits on your transcript of records at the end of your study abroad programme, we reserve the right to check whether you have completed your stay abroad properly and will request a written justification from you for verification purposes, which you should submit to the International Office via your subject coordinator.
Please note that in the event of non-compliance with the provisions arising from the Learning Agreement and the Grant Agreement, the financial support from the Erasmus+ funding must be repaid in full or in part.
Participation in the OLS language test is compulsory for Erasmus+ students. The online test serves to improve and evaluate your foreign language skills.
You can find detailed information on the test and language course procedure on the OLS information sheet. The test must be completed within four weeks of receiving the invitation!
→ Students will receive an invitation to the test after accepting the Erasmus+ exchange place!
The Grant Agreement is the scholarship contract that you conclude with the International Office for the payment of the Erasmus grant. Among other things, it specifies your maximum Erasmus grant amount.
As a contract under German law, it is the only Erasmus document that you must have Signed in duplicate in paper form to the IO for countersignature. It will be made available to you as a download in your Mobility online account around mid-July/August (if you are leaving for the winter semester) or mid-December (if you are leaving for the summer semester).
Once the IO has received the Grant Agreement and the Learning Agreement and you have passed the OLS language test, you have submitted everything you need to receive the first of two Erasmus instalments (80% of the total funding amount).
It may take a few weeks for the amount to reach your account.
You will receive the remaining payment (20 %) after the successful completion of your Erasmus stay.
Make sure you adhere to the prescribed deadlines!
If you do not submit the required documents on time or do not provide a plausible explanation, you will be excluded from Erasmus+ funding and you will have to repay the mobility grant that has already been paid out.
According to the Erasmus regulations, only students who have submitted all mandatory documents may receive funding.
During the stay
Students often have to make changes to their Learning Agreement at the beginning of their studies abroad because the courses they have chosen are not offered after all, are fully booked or have a different content than they had assumed.
This is what the Learning Agreement "During" is for. From the academic year 2021/22, the changes will usually be made in the existing OLA.
Ideally, upload the changes as a PDF file (with all signatures) to your Mobility Online account at BUW within 7 weeks of the start of lectures.
Extensions to the funding period for the Erasmus stay must be requested from the International Office at least 30 days before the end date specified in the Grant Agreement. An extension of a few days or weeks can be applied for informally by e-mail (incl. proof) to teamoutgoing[at]
An extension of the stay by a full semester is only possible from the winter semester to the summer semester. Please send an email to teamoutgoing[at], and we will check whether an extension is generally possible. Afterwards, you will receive a corresponding document from us, which must be signed by the partner university and the responsible departmental coordinator at BUW.
Before the end of the semester, clarify with the contact persons at the host university how you can apply for and receive the Transcript of Records, the certificate of your achievements during your Erasmus studies.
Have the document signed, dated and stamped by the host university on the last day (not earlier; however, it is not a problem to have it issued later).
How do I receive the 2nd instalment of Erasmus+ funding?
Have the document signed and stamped with the date by the host university on the last day (not earlier; however, it is not a problem to have it issued retrospectively) and upload it to the Mobility Online portal.
Please note that in addition to your proof of enrolment submitted at the time of application, you must also submit a current proof of enrolment from the BUW at the end of your stay abroad if a new semester has started after you have started or during your studies abroad.
Please upload the certificate(s) of enrolment proving that you were enrolled at the BUW during your stay abroad to Mobility Online. You may have to upload 2 certificates as one PDF!
During this period, also complete the EU Survey, for which you will receive a request by e-mail.
You will receive an automatic request by e-mail after the end date indicated in the Grant Agreement. The sender of the request to complete the survey is:
Transcript of Records:
Please upload the document to Mobility Online after receiving it from the partner university.
Proof of recognition (= Learning Agreement "After"):
Afterwards, you will create the recognition certificate, which you need to have signed by the responsible examination board.
The Learning Agreement "After the Mobility" contains an overview of your examination achievements at the partner university and their recognition at the University of Wuppertal. Table D is only completed and signed by the responsible chairperson of the Examination Board at BUW.
If you wish to waive recognition of academic achievements, please upload the document with the sentence "Recognition is voluntarily waived" and your signature in the portal.
If you do not submit the required documents on time or do not provide a plausible justification, you will be excluded from Erasmus+ funding and you will have to repay the mobility grant that has already been paid out.
According to the Erasmus regulations, only students who have submitted all mandatory documents may receive funding.
If you have fewer than 15 ECTS credits on your Transcript of Records at the end of your stay abroad, we reserve the right to check whether you have completed your stay abroad properly and will request a written justification from you for verification purposes, which you should submit to the International Office via your subject coordinator.
Please note that in the event of non-compliance with the provisions arising from the Learning Agreement and the Grant Agreement, the financial support from the Erasmus+ funding must be repaid in full or in part.
Contact us
University of Wuppertal
Dept. International Office
Gaußstr. 20
D-42119 Wuppertal
For general enquiries:
Iris Leclaire
Mon - Thu: 3-5 pm, Tel +49 (0)202 439 5308
Marcela Oelsner
(by appointment only), Tel +49 (0)202 439 5140
Dr Katharina Vantomme
(by appointment only), Tel +49 (0)202 439 5221
Katinka Brückner
(by appointment only), Tel +49 (0)202 439 5221