The right time: when to go abroad and when to start planning?

Students who are planning a stay abroad should inform themselves about the various options and conditions at least 1 to 1 1/2 years before the planned start of their stay in order to be able to decide on the most suitable form of stay abroad. Particularly when applying for funding - to financially support the stay - it should be noted that the application deadlines are sometimes twelve months before the start of the stay abroad.
Counselling at the International Office
The International Office regularly offers basic information events in digital format, which are compulsory to attend. These information events provide a comprehensive overview of the various options for a stay abroad (internship/study abroad, etc.) and the corresponding funding opportunities. You will then receive more detailed information in individual counselling sessions, which initially take place by telephone. Depending on the counselling situation, personal meetings can then be arranged by the International Office.
The following questions should be considered before a stay abroad:
- What type of stay abroad should it be: study, internship, language course, teaching assistant, etc.?
- In which country, region or city should the stay take place? Even if you do not yet have an exact preference, the choice should be narrowed down (e.g. EU countries, non-European countries, French-speaking countries, etc.). The existing language skills should be taken into account.
- At which university should the study visit take place, at which institution should the internship or teaching assistance take place? Should the stay take place at a partner university of your faculty?
- Which university offers courses that can be easily integrated into your degree programme?
- How long should the stay be in order to fit in well with your own study programme and the semester schedule of your home and host universities?
- Do you have the necessary knowledge of the language of the country and the language of instruction or can you still learn them by the time of your stay abroad?