Visa, insurances, leave of absence

Organisational matters

Information on visa applications for various destination countries worldwide can be found on the website of the Federal Foreign Office (german only).

The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) enables students to benefit from discounts worldwide.
Applying for the ISIC

Effective consular assistance and support from German diplomatic missions abroad in an emergency requires that the names, whereabouts and contact details of Germans abroad and, if necessary, the persons to be contacted in Germany in an emergency are known.
For this purpose, the German diplomatic missions and consular posts abroad maintain - on the basis of voluntary, personal entries by the participants - crisis preparedness lists of Germans and their family members residing in their administrative district. This option of registering for inclusion in crisis preparedness and response measures is also available for short-term stays abroad.

Registration on ELEFAND is an optional and voluntary measure.

Students are entitled to benefits under the statutory health insurance schemes in many European countries. In countries where benefits cannot be provided, it is necessary to take out private health insurance. During the stay, the obligation to pay contributions to the German health insurance fund remains in force. Students should clarify with their insurance company in good time before the start of their stay abroad whether insurance cover exists in the respective destination country or whether additional insurance needs to be taken out. It may be advisable to take out private supplementary insurance, especially for return transport to Germany.

Insurance status of Erasmus+ / FreeMover / DAAD scholarship holders:

  • Erasmus+ or Free Mover status is not associated with any insurance cover.
  • PROMOS scholarship holders as well as Erasmus+ students and interns have the option of participating in the DAAD group insurance program at their own expense.

The following overview does not claim to be exhaustive and does not represent any recommendation by the International Office:

Providers of international insurance for study/internship stays:

  • Care Med International Travel Insurance
  • Care Concept AG Care College (Plus)
  • Debeka health insurance for semesters abroad
  • Klemmer International
  • Assekuranzmakler GmbH, international travel insurance for au pairs, language students, semesters/internships abroad for students
  • COMOVO travel insurance comparison

Provider of international travel insurance in general:

  • ISA Auslands-Reiseversicherung: Insurance packages for trips and stays abroad
  • Pro Trip - Büro Dr. Walter: Travel insurance for au pairs, language students, long-term travellers
  • Mawista student: International travel insurance for language students, students, interns, guest researchers

Leave of absence / re-registration

Students who spend at least three months studying or doing an internship abroad have the option of either taking a leave of absence for the semester in question or re-registering as a regular student.

It is possible to take a leave of absence for a semester abroad or an internship. The leave of absence (german only) must be applied for by the students themselves and is in no way organised by the International Office or the faculty! Students on leave of absence are not authorised to take courses or examinations at BUW. Even if they return to BUW before the end of the semester, they are not entitled to take examinations. Coursework completed abroad during the leave of absence can of course be credited towards the degree programme. A semester of leave of absence is not counted towards the number of subject semesters (Fachsemester) but only towards the number of university semesters. To apply for a leave of absence, you must present yourself in person at the Registrar's Office within the re-registration period:

Registrar's Office,
Building G.08. - Service Centre

Students who are on leave of absence due to a semester abroad or an internship semester are automatically exempt from paying the social contribution. In addition, students can apply to the General Students' Committee (AStA) in Wuppertal for reimbursement of the mobility contribution ("NRW-Ticket").
If you are staying abroad for more than one semester, please remember to authorise someone to take care of your re-registration and, if necessary, your leave of absence or application for exemption from the obligation to pay tuition fees during your absence.

  • Application for leave of absence (german only)
  • Certificate from the faculty with the following content:
    The faculty ... hereby authorises the student Ms/Mr ... to take a leave of absence for the entire duration of the winter/summer semester 20... due to studying abroad at ... University.

  • Application for leave of absence
  • Confirmation from the internship provider that the internship is planned
  • Certificate from the faculty stating that an internship of more than three months will be completed and that a leave of absence for the entire winter/summer semester 20... is approved.
    However, a leave of absence is only possible if the internship is not already included in the examination regulations.

In addition, you can apply to the General Students' Committee (AStA) in Wuppertal for reimbursement of the mobility fee ("NRW-Ticket").

The reimbursement of the mobility fee (see above) can also be applied for during a stay abroad, even if there is no leave of absence.

Contact us

University of Wuppertal

Dept. International Office
Gaußstr. 20
D-42119 Wuppertal

For general enquiries:







Iris Leclaire
Mon - Thu: 3-5 pm
Tel +49 (0)202 439 5308

Marcela Oelsner
(by appointment only), Tel +49 (0)202 439 5140

Dr Katharina Vantomme
(by appointment only), Tel +49 (0)202 439 5221

Katinka Brückner
(by appointment only), Tel +49 (0)202 439 5221

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