University of Wuppertal

Organization of your stay abroad

Planning a stay abroad requires a number of planning steps and, above all, raises many questions. In the following, we would like to point out some aspects that you should definitely consider when planning your stay abroad.

In addition to applying for various study places at our partner universities, finding a suitable internship and/or applying for funding to support your stay abroad financially, there are other important aspects to consider when planning a stay abroad. Clarifying the question of whether a visa is required and must be applied for is just as important as clarifying insurance issues. Furthermore, accommodation must be organised at the respective location during the stay abroad and contracts may have to be cancelled. The individual steps of a leave of absence and the respective re-registration must also be planned and carried out well in advance. It is advisable to start planning at least one year before the planned start of your stay.

The following pages should help you to successfully clarify all these important organisational aspects.

Please note that not all websites have been translated into English yet. Some pages are currently only accessible through the German website.