The Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)

The Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) are a new funding line in the new Erasmus+ programme generation 2021 - 2027. The Blended Intensive Programmes are intended to promote the use of innovative learning and teaching methods and exploit the possibilities of online cooperation.
The programmes serve to increase digitalisation skills in teaching and learning and to develop short, intensive and joint mobility curricula and activities (e.g. teaching weeks, summer schools, etc.). The duration of the physical group mobility (5-30 days) is combined with a virtual phase of undefined duration.
DAAD brochure (detailed information)
Guide for subject coordinators (as of 11/2023)
Blended mobility implementation guide for Erasmus+ higher education mobility KA131
Framework conditions for promotion:
- suitable for students (SM) and university staff (ST)
- short joint physical group mobility (5-30 days) combined with a virtual phase of undefined duration
- virtual component: before, during or after the mobility, collaborative online learning, exchange and teamwork; simultaneous processing as part of the learning objectives
- No credit towards the student quota (12 months for mobilities per study cycle)
- Minimum: 15 participants
- Minimum: 3 ECTS for students
- Minimum: 3 ECHE universities from 3 different programme countries (including DE; excluding UK and Switzerland) → this requires Erasmus+ contracts must be concluded (via the International Office)!
- Universities from partner countries optional(participants from partner countries can take part in a BIP, but do not count as BIP participants!)
- Reporting:
- Programme coordinator: submits a report (qualitative and quantitative) on the results of the BIP to the Erasmus+ coordinator
- Participants: submit participant reports in the corresponding EU tool
- The applicant organisation (= coordinating higher education institution) receives the following funding for the BIP
- Scholarship funds: 5-14 days = 79€/day, 15-30 days = 56€/day, additional top-ups for environmentally friendly travel and for people with disadvantages as well as travel costs.
- Overhead funds: €400 per participant, maximum amount: €8,000.
Further information can also be found on the DAAD website
Contact us
University of Wuppertal
Dept. International Office
Gaußstr. 20
D-42119 Wuppertal
For general enquiries:
Iris Leclaire
Mon - Thu: 3-5 pm
Tel +49 (0)202 439 5308
Marcela Oelsner
(by appointment only), Tel +49 (0)202 439 5140
Dr Katharina Vantomme
(by appointment only), Tel +49 (0)202 439 5221
Katinka Brückner
(by appointment only), Tel +49 (0)202 439 5221