Stay abroad with a physical disability

A stay abroad often presents students with a physical impairment with extraordinary challenges. The organisational effort, the question of a suitable host university, supervision and possible financial support must be well coordinated.

Erasmus+ special funding

Students, graduates and staff with a degree of disability (GdB) of at least 20 can apply for the so-called Social Top-Up via the corresponding form at the International Office.

→ Further information

In the case of special funding as a lump sum, students funded in Erasmus+ receive EUR 250 per month in addition to the funding rates.

→ Further information

A separate, detailed application for special funding can be submitted to the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) by the participant. The grant is calculated on the basis of the additional costs incurred by the stay abroad. Additional costs applied for, e.g. costs for helpers and supervisors, for special didactic material, etc., will be taken into account. An application can only be submitted if the maximum funding rates are exceeded (see "Special funding as a lump sum" above).
The maximum grant from Erasmus+ funds is EUR 10,000.

This type of funding is available for students and graduates as well as staff.


  • Degree of disability of at least 50.
  • An application including a copy of the disability certificate, a medical certificate (original), a cost estimation and cost estimates must be submitted to the DAAD via the International Office.
  • Within one month after the end of the stay abroad, the regular report must be submitted, which must be supplemented by the special aspects of the stay with a disability.
  • Original documents (e.g. rental contracts, work contracts with support staff) must be kept by the International Office for verification purposes.


The application is submitted to the DAAD via the International Office of the University of Wuppertal and must be submitted to the DAAD at least two months before the start of the stay abroad. Please contact the International Office in good time.

Further information:

You can find further information on disability-friendly universities at the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education.


On the DAAD website you will find testimonials from scholarship holders who have taken advantage of special funding abroad.

Further information on Erasmus+ and mobility can be found at

Special funding for PROMOS scholarship holders

The DAAD would like to encourage students with disabilities or chronic illnesses to spend part of their studies abroad, establish international contacts and improve their language skills. In order to increase equal opportunities for these people, the DAAD can cover the additional expenses incurred abroad as a result of the disability/chronic illness by awarding grants.

Special requirements for PROMOS scholarship holders with a disability or chronic illness (max. EUR 10,000 for a period of up to six months; incl. expenses for a possible accompanying person) can be provided if the additional expenses are related to travelling abroad and other responsible bodies (e.g. social insurance agencies) do not grant financial support. The International Office must apply to the DAAD for this special need and requires the following documents from the scholarship holder:

  • Copy of severely disabled person's pass (GdB 50% or higher);
  • Rejection of cost coverage by health insurance or supplementary insurance;
  • in the case of chronic illness: medical certificate with a description of the medical requirements;
  • further documents to clearly explain the necessity and appropriateness of the increased expenditure.

Applications for aid for measures that have already begun will not be considered.

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