PROMOS application

You apply directly to the International Office for a PROMOS scholarship. Allow sufficient time for your application. Individual documents can take a long time. After the application deadline, the International Office will check the documents. A selection committee made up of representatives of the faculties then decides on the awarding of the scholarships in a qualified selection procedure. After the selection meeting, the International Office will inform you about the awarding of the scholarships and the next steps.
Decisive selection criteria for the internal university ranking are
- Qualifications, assessed on the basis of the student's academic achievements and language skills
- Meaningfulness of the planned project in relation to studies and career prospects
Your application documents will be used to compile the ranking and to check the above selection criteria. For example, the meaningfulness of your stay abroad - in relation to your studies and career prospects - is measured against your letter of motivation and the information it contains about your plans. Applicants can achieve a total of up to 36 points for the selection criteria of qualification and relevance. Additional points totalling 6 points are awarded for stays that take place at a partner university, last longer than 3 months and/or involve an applicant from the engineering or natural sciences. Special circumstances such as a disability, a stay abroad with a child or a particularly high level of social commitment are also taken into account.
Stays abroad are funded within a calendar year (01 January to 31 December).
Stays that extend beyond the calendar year can only be funded by submitting a new application (deadline 01 December). Please note our information on follow-up funding.
Application deadlines:
For stays abroad in the summer semester (stays abroad starting from 01 January): 01 December
For stays abroad in the winter semester (stays abroad starting from 01 July): 30 April
Feedback on your application:
After the application deadline, your application documents will be examined in detail and submitted to the selection committee.
You will receive feedback on your application no later than 3 months after the end of the application phase.
Please send the following documents complete and on time by email, bundled in one PDF document (max. 2 MB), to the International Center: (please compress the document if necessary)!
- Application form (fully completed and signed)
- Current certificate of study (applicants who only have a secondary student status at the BUW can NOT apply for PROMOS)
- Current overview of grades with indication of the current overall average grade
(if applicable, endorsement by the central examinations office)
- for combined degree programmes of all sub-subjects
- if you already have a university degree, the overview of grades must also be submitted - Curriculum vitae in table form (signed) (1-2 A4 pages, please enclose supporting documents)
- Language certificate for the language of instruction or working language at the host institution,
Additional points for proof in the (possibly different) national language. If the language of instruction or working language is German, you still need a language certificate in a foreign language.
Applicants must provide an examination certificate based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages with a clear assignment of the 'overall language level' (e.g. DAAD language certificate, contact via the language teaching institute (SLI), date of issue not older than 24 months).
Level "B1" is the minimum requirement for applying for a PROMOS scholarship from the University of Wuppertal with regard to the language of instruction or working language. - Letter of motivation (signed) in which you answer the following questions
(max. half a page to one DIN A4 page per question):- What qualifications - academic and personal - do you bring with you for the implementation/realisation of your stay?
- What do you expect from your stay abroad - personally and academically? (Please refer to your specific choice of course and your career prospects.)
- What activities or measures could you initiate to present and represent the University of Wuppertal abroad?
(Be creative! You are welcome to submit concrete project outlines.)
- Confirmation of acceptance from the host university or institution or documentation of the successful application (e.g. copy of application documents)
- Proof of the study-related nature of your stay abroad
- For study visits and specialised courses: Learning Agreement
- For internships: Certificate from the department confirming that the internship is related to your studies and will be recognised
If you have received the DAAD scholarship Lehramt.International, funding through the PROMOS scholarship programme is excluded! Please only apply for the PROMOS scholarship if you have received a rejection from the DAAD or are not planning to apply for the Lehramt.International funding programme! In the event of rejection by the DAAD, this must be enclosed with the PROMOS application.
Contact us
University of Wuppertal
Dept. International Office
Gaußstr. 20
D-42119 Wuppertal
For general enquiries:
Iris Leclaire
Mon - Thu: 3-5 pm, Tel +49 (0)202 439 5308
Dr Katharina Vantomme
Tel +49 (0)202 439 5221
Katinka Brückner
Tel +49 (0)202 439 5221