PROMOS - Scholarships for stays abroad outside Europe

PROMOS Programme 2025 to promote the study-related international mobility of Wuppertal students

Key data and services

The PROMOS programme is a scholarship programme funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), which provides universities with funding to promote student mobility. The programme is intended to offer students the opportunity to spend time abroad whose projects or destinations cannot be funded under any other structured DAAD programme. With scholarships for stays abroad of up to 6 months, the programme makes an important contribution to increasing the mobility of students at the University of Wuppertal.

The announcement of the PROMOS programme for funding in 2025 is subject to any changes to the programme and the commitment of funds by the DAAD.

What is funded?

  • Self-organised study visit outside Europe.
  • Semester abroad at an international partner university of the BUW
  • Duration: 1 semester or trimester up to 6 months
  • Stays of an entire academic year cannot be funded pro rata. Please apply for a one-year scholarship at the DAAD
  • Please note: Doctoral students may not be funded for study visits

  • Internships outside Europe
  • Compulsory internship or voluntary internship that is endorsed by the department as relevant to the subject.
  • Students who are between their Bachelor's degree and the start of their Master's programme can also apply. Prerequisite: Preliminary certificate of admission to the Master's programme or proof of application for the Master's programme.
  • Duration: at least 4 weeks to 6 months
  • Note: Doctoral students may not be funded for internships

  • Final theses/study projects that are neither carried out at a university nor at a company can be funded in exceptional cases if the relevant faculty fully supports the project and the students submit an endorsement and a detailed timetable in addition to the application documents, which can also be used later to monitor success.
  • If it is a laboratory internship in Europe: Please apply for funding under the Erasmus Internship programme.
  • Your stay is to take place at an Erasmus partner university of your faculty? Please first clarify whether funding via the Erasmus programme is possible.
  • You cannot attend regular courses at the host university in this funding line (funding line: study programme).
  • Duration: at least 1 month (= 30 days)
  • Bachelor students: maximum 3 months
  • Master/state examination students: maximum 6 months

  • Stays for specialised courses (e.g. summer courses = intensive academic programmes at state or state-recognised universities worldwide) for students and doctoral students
  • You may receive credits for your participation.
  • Duration: up to 6 weeks (lecture and conference trips cannot be funded as specialised courses).

Overview of the scholarship

  • In principle, stays at foreign institutions worldwide are funded
  • Exceptions:

    Funding for study visits to partner universities with which the University of Wuppertal maintains an Erasmus+ subject-related cooperation is excluded in the respective subject. (A list of current Erasmus+ co-operations can be found here).

    1. Internships in Erasmus+ programme countries are not considered for PROMOS funding.
    2. Countries/regions for which the Federal Foreign Office has issued a travel warning are excluded from funding.

Regularly enrolled students at German universities are eligible to apply (secondary students at the BUW are NOT eligible to apply),

a.) who have German citizenship

b.) who are equivalent to Germans according to § 8 paragraph 1 number 2 ff., paragraph 2, 2a and 3 BAföG/student finance services (in this context, the wording of the law applies)

c.) as well as non-German students of the University of Wuppertal and university graduates if they are enrolled in a degree programme with the aim of obtaining a degree at the University of Wuppertal or a doctorate at the University of Wuppertal.

Stays in the home country are excluded for the group of people described in b.) and c.).

The scholarships are awarded within the university in a quality-orientated and performance-related selection process at the University of Wuppertal. The awarding decision is made by the university's internal PROMOS award committee, which is made up of representatives from the International Office, the Language Teaching Institute and individual faculties. PROMOS scholarship holders are selected on the basis of a ranking compiled by the awarding committee using the selection criteria.

The proportionate funding of the selected scholarship holders depends on the ranking position achieved. Full funding in the form of accommodation costs/course fees (up to €500 for summer schools/specialised courses) for up to 6 months and the travel allowance for the respective destination country, for example, is reserved exclusively for the best-placed applicants in the ranking.

The amount of the scholarship instalments depends on the respective destination country and is based on the amount of the country-specific accommodation costs and/or travel allowances of the DAAD. The monthly funding rates for subsistence costs are generally EUR 350. Exceptions include the USA (funding rate of EUR 450) and Japan (funding rate of EUR 550). The flat-rate travel allowances range from EUR 375 for the UK to EUR 1,750 for Costa Rica, for example.
Funding rates 2025

  1. Organisational support is provided at the home university by the faculty/subject and the International Office (e.g. in the subject-related and cultural preparation of the study abroad).
  2. Academic recognition of academic achievements abroad. Before your departure, you will conclude a Learning Agreement with the relevant Examination Board, in which your learning objectives and the recognition of your achievements abroad are agreed. Further information on this topic can be found here

  • Students can be sponsored several times in each study cycle (bachelor, master, diploma, magister etc.) for up to 6 months.
  • The quota of 6 months per study cycle can be flexibly allocated to individual funding programmes (cannot be combined).
  • Unlike in the Erasmus+ programme, virtual mobilities are included in the quota.

  • Erasmus+ and PROMOS
    Study visits and internships cannot be funded via PROMOS if Erasmus+ funding is possible.
  • DAAD individual scholarships & PROMOS
    DAAD individual scholarships and PROMOS scholarships may not be claimed at the same time.
  • Germany Scholarship & PROMOS
    The Germany Scholarship and PROMOS scholarships may be claimed simultaneously without restriction.
  • BAföG/student finance services and PROMOS scholarships
    PROMOS scholarships must be reported to the responsible office for BAföG abroad.
  • Other scholarship benefits & PROMOS
    Funding via PROMOS is not possible if the same funding purpose is already being pursued with public funds from Germany. PROMOS funding must be reported to any other scholarship providers.
  • PROMOS scholarship holders in New Zealand
    Please note that, due to an agreement between the New Zealand Ministry of Education and the DAAD, PROMOS scholarship holders only have to pay the more favourable tuition fees for nationals ("in-state tuition" or "domestic fees") for stays in New Zealand. However, this must be clarified with the host university before the start of the stay.

Up to €10,000 on application. Information on this can be obtained from the International Office during telephone consultation hours.

  1. DAAD group insurance:
    The DAAD offers students and doctoral candidates the option of international insurance (combined health, accident and personal liability insurance) via the DAAD group tariff.
    Information on the tariffs can be found on the DAAD website.
    Please note that the minimum insurance term is one month (daily insurance for less than one month is therefore not possible). The insurance can also be used by all other scholarship holders who are funded via DAAD structural programmes.
  2. AuslandsBAföG:
    Students and doctoral candidates who receive a PROMOS scholarship must notify the responsible AuslandsBAföG office of their funding. If you receive BAföG abroad, you are exempt from deducting EUR 300 from the monthly partial scholarship instalment. Any travel allowance paid will be deducted in full from the foreign BAföG travel allowance. Further information on the AuslandsBAföG can be found here.
  3. Other:
    You can find information on other funding opportunities in the DAAD scholarship database.


The PROMOS scholarships are awarded to the University of Wuppertal by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The DAAD also stipulates the conditions for awarding scholarships to the universities.

Contact us

University of Wuppertal

Dept. International Office
Gaußstr. 20
D-42119 Wuppertal

For general enquiries:







Iris Leclaire
Mon - Thu: 3-5 pm, Tel +49 (0)202 439 5308

Dr Katharina Vantomme
(by appointment only), Tel +49 (0)202 439 5221

Katinka Brückner
(by appointment only), Tel +49 (0)202 439 5221