University of Wuppertal

Current tenders

Fulbright Germany enables four to six-month research scholarships in the USA

Are you working on your dissertation and would you like to further develop your dissertation topic at a US university of your choice or another academic institution? Fulbright Germany offers you the opportunity of a four to six-month research scholarship. You will benefit from professional exchange with local specialists and involvement in interdisciplinary working groups and build networks for your academic career.

Who can apply?

Applications are open to doctoral students from all disciplines who are enrolled in a doctoral programme aiming for an academic research doctorate. After completing the scholarship period, doctoral students complete their doctoral thesis at their home university.

Diversity, equal opportunities, inclusion and educational equity are among the basic principles of Fulbright Germany. Applications are open to all persons regardless of, but not limited to, ethnic origin, skin colour, age, religion or ideology, social background, disability, sexual orientation, gender and gender identity.

Further application requirements

Applicants must have German citizenship*. They must be willing to work for German-American understanding (in particular to deepen transatlantic scientific relations).

At the time of application, applicants must have completed a university degree (Diploma, Magister, first state examination, Master's degree) and be enrolled in a doctoral programme. The planned US research project is directly related to the dissertation project. It must be possible to complete it within the planned funding period. For the application, an official written invitation from the intended (accredited) US host institution must be submitted, which refers to the implementation and supervision of the research project.

*Applicants who have dual German-American citizenship cannot be considered for funding due to the visa requirements for participation in the programme.

Scholarship benefits

  • Travel allowance of 1,400 euros
  • Monthly maintenance allowance of 1,700 euros (for a maximum of six months)
  • a one-off allowance of 300 euros for incidental costs
  • Health and accident insurance
  • Fulbright J-1 visa free of charge
  • Participation in a network seminar

Application procedure and deadlines

There are currently two application deadlines for the doctoral programme:

  • 1 November for a stay in the USA starting between 1 August and 31 December of the following year. The call for applications begins in September and the current application form can be found here.
  • 1 June for a stay in the USA starting between 1 January and 30 June of the following year. The call for applications begins in April. The current application form is available here.

Detailed information and the application form can be found here.

German-US-American Internship Programme (DAP)

With the German-US-American Internship Programme (DAP), IJAB - Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e. V. offers recent graduates and students from the second semester onwards from predominantly social and socio-scientific disciplines the opportunity to receive funding for voluntary internships in the USA.

What does the programme offer?

As part of the DAP programme, young people can apply for a scholarship of up to €600. up to €600 per month for self-organised, voluntary internships in the USA lasting between 2 and 12 months. Travel costs are subsidised once with up to €800.

Who can apply?

  • Graduates up to the age of 26 who have completed a (technical) university degree¹ and students from the 2nd semester onwards from a subject area relevant to the field of child and youth welfare² as well as from related subject areas³ who would like to complete a voluntary internship in the USA.
  • Graduates up to 26 years of age who have completed a (technical) university degree¹ as well as students from the 2nd semester onwards of other subject areas who can prove that they are involved on a voluntary basis in an area relevant to youth policy or child and youth welfare (e.g. international youth work, youth association work or similar) and would like to complete a voluntary internship in the USA in this area.

¹ Start of internship max. 12 months after graduation
² e.g. social work, social economics, education, educational science or similar.
³ e.g. political science, history, social sciences, NGO management or similar.

The DAP was implemented by the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit e. V. (GIZ) until the end of 2021. With a new focus, the programme is now primarily aimed at students from subject areas related to or adjacent to the field of child and youth welfare. In this way, we want to give young people from these fields the opportunity to gain transatlantic experience abroad beyond compulsory university internships and contribute to the internationalisation of the field of work. If you already list the DAP as a funding programme under the auspices of GIZ, we would be pleased if you would update the information accordingly so that interested parties can find the right contact person straight away.

All further information on the call for applications and the application process can be found on the homepage under the heading Partner countries - USA.

The programme aims to make it easier for many young people to make the step across the pond.

Excellence Eiffel scholarship from the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs for research stays in France

The Excellence Eiffel scholarship is awarded to doctoral students for a period of 18 months (max. 3 different stays). The scholarship amounts to 1,700 euros per month.

Doctoral students from the following disciplines can apply

  • Science and technology (biology and health, climate change, mathematics, engineering)
  • Humanities and social sciences (Romance studies, French-related studies, law and political science, economics/business administration)

Detailed information can be found on the website.

Highly endowed scholarships for the USA

Would you like to complete your Master's degree or a research stay at a US university? Then apply for the ERP and McCloy scholarship programmes. With both programmes, the German National Academic Foundation supports study and research stays at US universities.

Successful applicants want to work for the common good and transatlantic relations. They should have some work experience and have shown that they are willing to take on responsibility in their career and voluntary work.

While the McCloy Scholarship Programme supports Master's projects at the Harvard Kennedy School, the ERP Scholarship Programme supports one to two-year study and research projects throughout the USA. Both programmes are aimed at graduates of all disciplines. In addition to living and travel expenses, the programmes can cover tuition fees of more than USD 110,000.00 (McCloy) and up to USD 50,000.00 (ERP). Admission to the programmes is also accompanied by admission to the German National Academic Foundation.

Do you have questions about the programmes? Then take advantage of the ZOOM consultation hours with current scholarship holders of the programmes. You can find the dates and further programme information here:

McCloy study programme / McCloy brochure

ERP study programme / ERP brochure


Dr Lars Peters

E-mail: l.peters[at]