International University Partnerships

The initiation and maintenance of cooperative partnerships with universities and research institutions worldwide is of particular importance for the University of Wuppertal. Cooperation and competition with top universities abroad set standards for internal developments and enable efficient collaborations in research and teaching. This guarantees the international visibility of the university as a high-profile institution for education, research and services. Participants benefit from continuous know-how transfer, cross-cultural research and education insights.

At present, the University of Wuppertal has formalized partnerships with more than 70 higher education institutions worldwide. The exchange with higher education institutions in Europe is further supported by more than 150 cooperation agreements within the framework of Erasmus+.

Information and procedures for concluding higher education partnerships outside Erasmus+ can be found in the download-area on the right.

Information and procedural notes for the conclusion of Erasmus+ Bilateral Agreements can be found here

Overview of university partnerships (without Erasmus+)


Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics => Due to the Russian attack on Ukraine, university cooperation and student exchange programmes with Russian and Belarusian partner universities are currently suspended.


Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj pedagogiceskij universitet im. A. I. Gercena, St. Petersburg => Due to the Russian attack on Ukraine, university cooperation and student exchange programmes with Russian and Belarusian partner universities are currently suspended.

Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, St. Petersburg => Due to the Russian attack on Ukraine, university cooperation and student exchange programmes with Russian and Belarusian partner universities are currently suspended.


Technical University of Kosice, Kosice

Czech Republic

Univerzita Karlova, Prag


Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv

National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv

Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Lwiw


Andrássy Universiät, Budapest