BUW Vernetzt - Fellowships and Tandem Fellowships

Cutting-edge research is largely based on scientific collaborations that push the boundaries of narrow disciplines.

With this funding line, the BUW offers targeted support for the initiation of new, preferably interdisciplinary collaborations, taking into account both internal BUW research partnerships and collaborations with external research partners. The aim is to bring together new perspectives and methodological approaches or, in more specific cases, to bring collaborative research proposals to the application stage.

Funding is available in two phases: In phase 1, funding can be requested for initial open-ended exploratory or networking meetings. More concrete projects, based on solid preliminary work and a robust network, will find a funding framework in Phase 2, which will provide financial support or a reduction in teaching responsibilities, depending on the circumstances. Successful applicants will receive close support for their joint research project as BUW Fellows or Tandem Fellows.

Applications can be submitted twice a year. The decision on the applications is made approx. 2 months after the deadline.

Next deadline: 15.10.2024

Please submit applications to the following address: foris[at]uni-wuppertal.de

The requirements for submitting an application as well as details of the funding framework and the evaluation criteria can be found in the Fact Sheet and the FAQ.

FAQ about BUW Vernetzt

Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers and Early Stage Researchers (2-7 years after PhD, with a clearly identifiable, independent research profile) employed by BUW are eligible to apply for this funding line. A completed habilitation is considered equivalent to the position of a lecturer. The application can only be submitted together with at least one other applicant from BUW (without an existing dependent relationship) from another discipline or at least one external research partner.

Whether the date of the doctoral certificate or the date of the viva voce/disputation is relevant for the 2-7 year period depends on the individual timeframe of a doctorate: The date of the certificate applies, provided that there is no more than one year between the date of the certificate and the viva voce/disputation. Otherwise, the date of the oral examination is used.

Parental leave of 18 months per child is recognised on presentation of the birth certificate.

FORIS bases its review criteria on the proven standards of renowned funding organisations such as the EU and the DFG. For the "BUW Fellowships and BUW Tandem Fellowships", these criteria are as follows

Phase 1:

  • Concrete identification of potential research partners
  • Plausible justification of the expected synergy effects or the expected added value of the planned network
  • Convincing concept for initiating and establishing cooperation

Phase 2:

  • Quality of the collaboration:
    •  Evidence of a robust existing collaboration with a significant proportion of the internal and external research partners, with a clearly identifiable synergy effect for the proposed project, as well as the expected feasibility of the project.
    •  In case of Phase 1 funding: a final report of the first funding phase showing a successful initiation of the collaboration.
    • Cooperation with national and/or international external research partners is desirable.
  •  Type of project:
    • Collaborative project with a clear research focus, which can be expected to have a strong national and, if possible, international scientific visibility of the participants.
    • Plausible justification of the above-average importance or special attractiveness of the planned project for the BUW.
  •  Quality of the proposal:
    • Appropriateness of the requested funding and justification of the need
    •  Plausibility/clarity of the information on the objective, research question, methodology and expected results of the proposed project
    • Plausibility of the work plan and time schedule
    • Suitability of the proposed project and actors for the envisaged funding programme or donor.

Priority will be given to Horizon Europe Collaborative Projects, DFG Collaborative Programmes (CRC, RTG, Research Unit, Collaborative Research Group, etc.) and comparable programmes.

Phase 1:

  • Travel and material costs
  • Accommodation costs for external parties for short-term guest stays at the BUW. Funding of justified personnel costs at the BUW for coordination and organisational tasks

Phase 2:

  • In addition to phase 1, justified personnel costs at the BUW for further tasks within the collaborative project for a maximum of 1 year (with the option to extend for a further year).

or alternatively

  • a reduction in teaching responsibilities, which cannot be combined with personnel costs.

Material resources in the area of basic equipment as well as the financing of one's own position at the BUW are excluded from funding. The combination of a reduction in teaching responsibilities with personnel funds is also excluded. FORIS funds cannot be applied for to cover any funding gaps.

The type and scope of the funding applied for must be appropriate and plausible. The total funding volume for phases 1 and 2 should not exceed 150,000 euros.

There are 2 funding rounds per year in this funding line. The deadlines are announced well in advance on the research services website.

The Rectorate is keen to ensure that funding opportunities remain consistent throughout the year, and allocates the funding budget accordingly. This means that the chances of funding remain stable throughout the year. The time of application therefore has no influence on the chances of success.

In the first phase of this funding line, you will prepare a short final report (1-2 pages) on your activities during the funding period as well as on the developed concept for future cooperation and submit it via foris[at]uni-wuppertal.de.

In Phase 2, you present the proposal for the cooperation project to an external third-party funding organisation no later than six months after the end of the funding period. If, for justified reasons, you have not yet been able to submit an proposal, you must prepare a final report based on the requirements of the DFG. This must also be submitted digitally via foris[at]uni-wuppertal.de.

Indicators of reliable and fruitful collaboration may include, for example:

  • Joint publications
  • Joint (teaching) events
  • Successful joint research projects
  • Existing cooperation agreements or concepts

External partners in the sense of the funding line "Cooperation Projects - BUW Fellowships and BUW Tandem Fellowships" are primarily national and/or international scientific actors from universities and non-university research institutions. Industrial partners may be involved if the aim is to establish a genuine research collaboration that goes beyond the initiation of contract research projects. The industrial partners themselves are excluded from BUW funding.

Funding for contract research is excluded.

  • An equivalent representation of the teaching programme must be guaranteed.
  • The Dean's Office must informally approve the reduction in advance if it is authorised by FORIS.
  • The teaching responsibility can be reduced by 4 SWS for a maximum of 1 semester.
  • It is not possible to apply for staff funding and a reduction in teaching responsibility at the same time.