BUW-Start - Promotion of young talent

Early career researchers need freedom, independence and financial opportunities to be creative and to establish their own academic research profile.

With this funding line, the BUW offers a particularly attractive research environment for young researchers in the early stages of their careers: the aim is to promote independent research, to gain a foothold in the academic world and to support the acquisition of external third-party funding.

As part of the BUW Start pillar, it is possible to apply for financial support for research activities in all disciplines for a maximum of two years in order to prepare for the acquisition of externally funded research projects and to further sharpen one's own academic profile.
Applications can be submitted twice a year. Decisions on applications are made approximately 4-5 months after the deadline.

Next deadline: 30.08.2024

Applications should be sent to the following address: foris@uni-wuppertal.de

The requirements for submitting an application as well as details on the funding framework and the evaluation criteria can be found in the handout and the FAQ.

FAQ on BUW launch

You are eligible to apply for BUW Start if you are a junior professor or postdoctoral researcher (2-7 years after your PhD) with an employment contract at BUW and can demonstrate a clearly identifiable, independent research profile and substantial research experience.

Whether the date of the doctoral certificate or the date of the viva voce/disputation is relevant for the 2-7 year period depends on the individual timeframe of a doctorate: The date of the certificate applies, provided that there is no more than one year between the date of the certificate and the viva voce/disputation. Otherwise, the date of the oral examination is applicable.

Parental leave of 18 months per child is recognised on presentation of the birth certificate.

The FORIS programme bases its review criteria on the established standards of renowned funding bodies such as the EU and the DFG. When completing the application form, please pay particular attention to highlighting your projects, publications and research experience that demonstrate your independence.

Funding is available for initial support to establish a research project at the BUW, including travel and material expenses as well as BUW-related personnel resources for a maximum of 2 years.

Material resources in the area of basic equipment and the financing of one's own position at the BUW are excluded from funding. FORIS cannot be applied for to cover any funding gaps.

The type and scope of the funding applied for must be appropriate and plausible. The maximum funding volume is 100,000 euros per application.

There are two funding rounds per year in the "BUW Start" funding line. The deadlines are announced well in advance on the research services website.

The rectorate emphasises fairness throughout the year and distributes the funding budget accordingly. This means that the chances of funding remain stable throughout the year. The time of application therefore has no influence on the chances of success.

No later than six months after completion of the BUW FORIS funding period, the applicant must submit a report based on the requirements of the DFG, which gives a concrete outlook on the planned activities in the area of third-party funding. If a proposal has already been submitted to external third-party funding organisations, this can be submitted instead.

In the application form, you name a possible external reviewer with professorial status who was not the supervisor of your dissertation and is not employed at the BUW. If the Commission for Research and Digitisation approves your FORIS application at the first meeting, you will be invited to present your project at the next meeting of the Commission. By this time, the BUW will have received the external reviews for the pre-selected speakers. On the basis of these reviews and the presentation, the Commission will make a recommendation to the Rectorate.